Thursday, October 22, 2009

Defining moment for the nation

Dr Chris Anthony
Mar 7, 2008

It is a day away when Malaysians will go to the polls. After 50 years we
have finally reached the crossroads and the moment has come for us to
decide whether we want to continue navigating the same course or make a
change for what we believe will mark the dawn of a new era in Malaysian
There is no doubt that the since independence BN government has given us
tremendous development and progress. Many of us owe the government for our
successes in life. Unfortunately the opportunities that were available to
us then are not there anymore for our children.
Unfair and discriminatory policies have deprived our children the
opportunities to excel in their own country. At the same time, the
government, is also directly or indirectly the cause of the numerous
problems that plague the nation today. These are due to the uninterrupted
rule and the absolute power of the BN government over 50 years.
History has shown that any government if given absolute power for too
long tends to becomes arrogant and corrupt. It tends to breed nepotism,
cronyism, favoritism and finally it loses touch with the masses. Its
leaders become surrounded by powerful 'yes men' who would glorify the
leader for whatever he does, even if it is wrong and disastrous.
A system that has been in power for too long needs a jolt of their
conscience to bring them back to reality and that the people at the
grassroots are not pleased with their performance. It needs a better
check and balance system in the form of a strong and effective opposition
in parliament.
Over the last 10 days or so, we have witnessed the vigorous campaigns of
the various political parties and their candidates, each claiming to be
the best. Each claim they have the best plans and strategies to bring the
nation and the people to greater heights. Most of them have promised the
heavens; bringing down oil prices, high minimum wages, allowance for
housewives, equal rights for all, free education, even free houses for
the poor and so on. Some of these promises are too good to be true. In
fact some of them are so ridiculous and are an insult to our intelligence
and integrity.
During this campaign period we have noticed a sudden change in the
attitude of our YBs; they have become so people-friendly, going visiting
house-to-house, providing cash and other forms of aid and even attending
funerals and so on. They virtually go down on their knees to beg for
votes from the very people whom they ignored over the past four years in
power. How we wish we had elections every year.
Many of us would have already decided on whom to vote for but there is
still a large number who depend on the ongoing political ceramah to make
up their minds. Well, the politicians can say and do what they want but
the final decision is with us, the voters. We should not be taken away by
empty promises and humble acts which are just political gimmicks to win
votes. Instead we must be mature enough to analyse the good and bad of
what they had pledged and after evaluating their merits and practicality,
come up with a clear mind on whom to vote for.
This election is not so much about peace, prosperity and security which
we all already enjoy, thanks to the BN government. It is also not so much
about business and physical development which we have in abundance, thanks
again to the BN government. Rather the 12th general election it is more so
about electing a government:
1.With a better check and balance so that it will use its powers wisely
and solely for the benefit of the people, a government that respects and
committed to human rights and empathises with the well-being of the all
marginalized citizens regardless of race and religion.
2. That will not bulldoze its policies against the wishes of the people
without prior proper and adequate consultation and debate.
3. That will treat parliament as the rightful place to make policies
4. That will respect the independence of the civil service, judiciary
and police.
5. That will be transparent and accountable to the people in all its
dealings that expends huge amount of the taxpayer's money.
6. Will respect the sanctity of the Federal Constitution and abide by
the provisions therein
This election is primarily about stopping the BN government of 50 years
from abusing the absolute power it had been entrusted all these years.
From a humble beginning it has become an aggressive giant ready to crush
anyone whore dares to cross its path.
As we step into the polling booths on March 8, let us cast aside all the
promises made by the political candidates, and walk in with a clear mind
on the choice of the candidate and party. Let not allow their pledges of
material reward sway our decisions at the last moment. Rather let our
wisdom and intellect alone decide on that important act of where to place
the "X" in the ballot papers. It may take us just a single minute to do
that but that that solitary minute in total secrecy would be the defining
moment that is going to determine the destiny of our nation.
Casting out vote is our constitutional right and we must take great
pains to fulfill that responsibility of ours with full patriotism and
diligence. Let's not be complacent and go out in full force to fulfill
our national duty.
Happy voting Malaysia.

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