Thursday, March 18, 2010

Towards A Developed Malaysia (Last of Six Parts)

[Presented at the Third Annual Alif Ba Ta Forum, "1Malaysia Towards Vision
2020," Rochester Institute of Technology, NY, December 5, 2009, organized
by Kelab UMNO NY-NJ. The presentation can be viewed at
(search under "Bakri Musa RIT") or through this link:

Q 10: Can you give us examples of successful countries we can emulate?
In one of your books you suggest South Korea, but it is so far ahead to
make it a valid model for us.

MBM: Did you know that in the 1950s the Philippines was sending foreign
aid workers to South Korea? How the world has changed! Today it is the
Philippines that is an economic basket case. That is precisely my point;
countries can change quickly, for better or worse. To re-emphasize, if
you do not strive to reach Montreal, you would quickly slide back to
Tijuana. Standing still is not an option.

In my book Malaysia in the Era of Globalization I gave three
examples: Ireland, South Korea, and Argentina. Argentina is a negative
example, of how quickly a nation could slide backward. I agree with you
that South Korea is not the best model for us, but for different reasons.
That nation, unlike ours, is culturally, linguistically and ethnically

The better example would be Ireland. The Ireland of 1950s,
like Malaysia today, was wrecked with its own Catholic-Protestant
division, with the minority Protestant English dominating commerce and
the professions while the Catholics were busy reciting their rosaries and
making babies. The English schools and universities were also superior,
but the Catholic Irish who attended those institutions risked being

Substitute Irish for Malays, English for non-Malays, and you
have similar dynamics in Malaysia today.

Today Ireland is a different nation; its economy robust, the
Celtic Tiger. Imagine, Ryan Air, a discount Irish airline, at one time
attempted a takeover of the venerable and regal British Airways! I need
not go over here how Ireland achieved her remarkable transformation as I
have covered that in my Globalization book, but suffice to say that they
did it by first freeing the Irish from the tight grip of the clergy

A noteworthy observation is that Sean Lemass, the leader
responsible for the Irish transformation, did not become prime minister
until 1959. It took the Irish at least two generations before they could
escape the yoke of the church and began their trajectory of development to
lead Ireland away from being the chronic "sick man of Europe' to where it
is today, a vibrant member of the EU.

So if Malaysia were to be blessed with her own Sean Lemaas
today, it would not be until at least 2050 before we could hope to
achieve 'developed' status. To make it even gloomier, Najib Razak has
not demonstrated himself thus far to be anything close to Lemass in terms
of his leadership ability and vision.

That is the bad news. The good news is that we do have a
Malaysian Lemass in waiting in the person of Anwar Ibrahim. For one, he
is the only leader with the courage and credentials to take on the
Islamic establishment, as he did with the "Allah" issue. For another he
is the only one who is not insular and has worldview more in tune in this
current era of globalization. Lastly, like Lemass, Anwar is able to
corral many bright young Malaysians to his cause.

The big question is whether our Malaysian Lemass would be
given that opportunity.

Q 11: What do you think of the institution of Malay sultans?

MBM: Let me throw that question back. What do you think of the Malay
Rajas? No response? Well, let me rephrase that. How many think that
the sultans are a positive influence? [Few hands went up] Negative?
[Many more hands shot up.] Wow! I am amazed! I did not expect that.

On reflection however, I am not totally surprised. I read the
thousands of comments posted on the web regarding our sultans, especially
after the Perak political fiasco and the battle between the Johor and
Negri Sembilan princes. I was stunned at the contempt and venom spewed.

I grew up in the royal town of Sri Menanti, but I try not to
let that influence my thinking. Whether our sultans remain relevant and
respected, or be reduced to the status of the Sultan of Sulu, depends not
on what is inscribed in our constitution rather on how they perform their
duties and how they behave personally. In these days of the Internet and
cell phones, their shenanigans abroad or in private would easily be
exposed. Contrary to their enticing tourism ads, what happens in Vegas
no longer stays just there. The many recent negative accounts of members
of the royal family do not advance their cause.

When I lived in Johor Baru in the 1970s, it was interesting to
observe the behaviors of these Malay princes and princesses. In Singapore
they behaved like ordinary mortals, observing the traffic laws and being
civil in public. Once they crossed the causeway to return home, they
suddenly transformed themselves and regressed to their infantile forms.
My conclusion is that we are partly to blame for we tolerate their
childish tantrums.

Royal peccadilloes, while titillating and headline-grabbing,
do not interest me. My concern is that these sultans squat at the apex
of the special privileges heap. Their every whim and demand is acceded
too readily. They get monopolistic business licenses and granted prime
state land literally on demand; their every gluttony and avarice
satisfied, at state expense of course. How can we ask ordinary Malays to
give up our special privilege crutch when our sultans are getting the
biggest crutch of all, and a golden one at that?

My other concern also relates to their being role models. In
my book The Malay Dilemma Revisited, I describe the Sultan Syndrome, of
ministers and department heads behaving as figureheads like our sultans
instead of being the chief executive. They are consumed with the
trappings of their offices while delegating the heavy lifting to their
underlings. I truly believe that the deterioration of our public
institutions is attributed in large part to this Sultan Syndrome.

Beyond that I have nothing against the institution of sultans.

Q 12: Don't you think that the institution of sultans serves to anchor
our diverse citizens? Political leaders come and go, but our sultans by
being apolitical and above the fray, provide stability, commonality, as
well as continuity.

MBM: Many would argue with your assertion that our sultans are above the
political fray, especially after what happened in Perak and Trengganu.
Even if we were to accede to your argument, do we really need nine
sultans plus the Agong? Actually we have 13 if we include the four
sultan wannabes – the governors of the non-sultan states who also have
regal tastes and aspirations.

I would be satisfied with just the Agong; he is expensive
enough to maintain, what with the new billion-ringgit palace. If we were
to have all those other sultans, their consorts, raja mudas, raja
bendaharas, and the whole slew of princes and princesses on the civil
list, then I would impose strict rules. If they receive any royal
allowance, then the moment they enter business, be gainful employed, or
in any way earn an income, then their state allowance would be reduced in
the amount of that income. That would encourage them towards voluntary
services. I would put all those allowances saved in a trust fund towards
scholarships for deserving kampong kids.

We have a few members of the royal family who have had the
benefit of superior education, having gone to such august institutions as
Oxford and Harvard. I challenge them to come up with a better idea than
what I have presented here so they would remain relevant and be respected
when they ascend to the throne.

* * * * *

As there are no more questions, let me close by again expressing my
sincere appreciation for your staying right to the very end! I am sure
there are many other places you would rather spend a Saturday evening
than a lecture hall. I have thoroughly enjoyed the sessions; most of all
I have enjoyed your company.

You have asked many penetrating questions, and I do not
pretend to know the answers. However, finding the solution begins with
asking thoughtful questions, and you have certainly done that. You have
asked many of the probing questions that needed to be asked. It is
through such open discussions and the tapping of many minds that we would
hope to find the best workable solutions.

During your stay here do take time to enjoy Upstate New York
and the surrounding New England states. The region is attractive and
wonderful at any time of the year. I wish you well in your studies and
in the pursuit of your individual dreams.

M. Bakri Musa
December 5, 2009

This e-mail has been sent via JARING webmail at

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