Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Muslim Policewoman Refused to Shake Hands

Muslim Policewoman Refused to Shake Hands
The Sun, 2007-01-21

Just three months after Alexander Basha's request to be transferred to
another section of the police so he wouldn't have to guard Israel's
embassy in London, a new police row is in the making in Great Britain: a
Muslim policewoman refused to shake hands with Sir Ian Blair , head of
the Metropolitan Police , because it was against her religious beliefs.
Apparently Sir Ian Blair wasn't very amused.

The case is very clear for the policewoman though: she is a woman, and Sir
Ian Blair is neither close family nor her husband, and therefore she
refuses to touch him. In order not to spoil the ceremony for the others,
policewoman was granted her request, though Sir Ian Blair questioned
whether it could be valid at all. The other question that pops up is how
she'll be able to carry out her duties if she doesn't allow herself to
have any physical contact with men.

A spokeswoman for the police has already said that the woman, described as
a non-Asian Muslim and wearing a hijab-uniform on the ceremony, will have
to do her job properly if she wants to stay with the force. Furthermore,
the Metropolitan Police Service has started an inquiry into what really
happened and what the consequences will be. It's clear though that this
sets yet another precedent, but perhaps next time they'll be better
prepared when they're suddenly confronted once again with multicultural
society during a ceremony.

In the meantime several Muslim leaders have already taken up the defense
of the policewoman. Massoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human
Rights Commission is one of them. He confirms that women should try to
avoid all physical contact with men, whenever possible. However, in the
context of their job, this should not lead to any problems. According to
him the problem is rather one of cultural and religious ignorance and
misunderstanding. In fact, the woman confirmed that she'll put her duty as
a policewoman before her religion, but it remains to be seen what will
happen the day she'll have to arrest a man. Massoud Shadjareh added to his
comments that shaking hands doesn't make or break a relationship, but if
this is true, he should have explained too exactly what would be the
problem if the woman had shaken hands with Sir Ian Blair. But I guess
that just proves my cultural and religious ignorance.

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