Tuesday, October 04, 2005

[Indonesia] Kenaikan Harga Produk Petroleum

Kenaikan Harga Produk Petroleum di Indonesia

Harga gasoline, diesel dan kerosene di Indonesia yang selama ini disubsidi mulai dinaikkan secara mendadak (di antara 87.5% dan 186%) pada 1 Oktober 2005, setelah Parlimen Indonesia meluluskan rang undang-undang pada 27 September 2005 melupuskan pemberian subsidi petroleum. [Note: Apart from the fuel prices, the government also issued five incentive packages, which include discounts for certain products, trade reform regulations, public transportation reform, an increase in the minimum price of unhusked rice paid to farmers and a direct subsidy for the poor.]
Rakyat Indonesia mengadakan tunjuk perasaan di bandar-bandar utama di jawa, Lombok dan Sulawesi. Bagaimanapun gerakan bantahan yang dipelopori oleh tokoh-tokoh seperti Gus Dur, Megawati, Wiranto dan Try Sutrisno gagal mempengaruhi rakyat untuk bertindak "menggoyang" Kerajaan Indonesia.
Harga gasoline (premium) dinaikkan sebanyak 87.5% kepada Rp 4,500 seliter (RM 1.80) berbanding harga lama Rp 2,400 seliter (RM 1 = Rp 2,500). [Note: premium gasoline is mostly used by the 26,000 city taxis. Fuel cost accounts for 20% of total cost of transportation operators including taxis.]
Harga diesel dinaikkan sebanyak 105% kepada Rp 4,300 seliter (RM 1.72) berbanding Rp 2,100 seliter sebelum ini.
Harga kerosene dinaikkan sebanyak 186% daripada Rp 700 seliter kepada Rp 2,000 seliter (RM 0.80). [Note: kerosene is mainly used by low-income groups.]
Seiring dengan pelupusan tersebut, Kerajaan Indonesia mengagihkan sumbangan wang ("baucer minyak" atau "subsidi langsung tunai" (SLT)) sebanyak Rp 100,000 (RM 36) sebulan kepada setiap keluarga (household) (menerusi kupon) untuk menangani impak kenaikan harga ini terhadap golongan fakir miskin yang berpendapatan di bawah RM 70 sebulan bagi tempoh yang belum ditetapkan. Pemberian "pampasan" yang diambil dari pengurangan subsidi atas kenaikan harga minyak ini mulai diberikan walaupun banyak pihak bimbang penyaluran sumbangan itu akan dicemari dengan salah laku rasuah dan nepotisme. Menurut Menteri Koordinasi Ekonomi, Aburizal Bakrie (Republika, 3 Oktober 2005), pelanjutan skim SLT ini akan bergantung kepada ketelusan pelaksanaannya. Penyaluran sumbangan ini dilakukan menerusi pejabat-pejabat pos (yang dirasakan kurang kerenah birokrasi), bukannya menerusi majlis-majlis kerajaan tempatan (municipal councils). [Note: Each of the estimated 15.6 million low-income households will receive Rp 1.2 million over the next 12 months. The social services ministry will transfer the cash to government-appointed PT Pos Indonesia and Bank Rakyat Indonesia (BRI) branches to be distributed to people living on or below the poverty line with an individual monthly income of Rp 175,000 at the most.]
Menurut Presiden Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono: "Inilah pilihan yang pahit dan tidak popular bagi seorang pengambil keputusan. Tapi saya harus menyelamatkan masa depan ekonomi nasional. Ini pilihan yang tidak mudah." ["It is not an easy choice. I understand that this is a bitter pill but I have to do it to save the country's economy and the country's future," President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono said earlier on Friday while inaugurating a new Astra Honda Motor manufacturing plant in Bekasi.]["I am very sad that the government has been denounced for not doing enough for the poor in relation to the fuel price hike. Amid the silence of midnight, I always pray for our country, hoping that we will be given a way to pull out of this economic crisis and have a brighter future," Susilo said during a national best poultry exhibition in Pasuruan.][A weekly Cabinet meeting that he was supposed to lead on his return from East Java was canceled as hundreds of protesters occupied the entrance area of the State Palace in Jakarta.]["Indeed for a man like me who hails from a poor family, but now has to think hard to find ways to lead the country to prosperity, the criticism and (strong) comments have really made me sad," Susilo revealed. The President called on the nation not to give up hope, despite the ongoing crisis. "Let's work and develop the country together, rather than lash out at each other."].
Kesan yang tidak dapat dielakkan ialah jumlah rakyat miskin dan pengangguran akan bertambah. Ketika ini jumlah rakyat miskin dianggar melebihi 62 juta orang manakala pengangguran melebihi 40 juta orang. Kerajaan Indonesia akan mengadakan "pasar rakyat" bagi menjual barang-barang keperluan asas dengan harga murah.
[Impact on taxi drivers]: "With an average daily income ranging from Rp 300,000 to Rp 400,000, most taxi drivers have to pay the company Rp 200,000 for the use of the cab. They usually take home Rp 50,000 after fuel and meal expenses. Now they only take home Rp 12,500."
[Impact on power companies]: State power firm PT PLN expects its power-generating costs to rise by 50 percent next year, hinting that it may be necessary to raise power rates. PLN will use some 2.5 million kiloliters (kl) of marine fuel oil (MFO) and 5.5 million kl of high-speed diesel (HSD) to generate power next year. PLN's fuel usage will decline as the power firm expects several producers to start using natural gas in 2006. Calculated using the current "special" market prices applied to PLN -- July prices were Rp 2,900 per liter of MFO and Rp 4,740 per liter of HSD -- the company will spend Rp 33.32 trillion on petroleum-based fuel in 2006. It is unclear whether PLN will enjoy these special prices next year or face full market prices like other industries. PLN will spend another Rp 6 trillion on coal and Rp 6 trillion on gas, raising its total fuel costs to at least Rp 45.32 trillion. (Oil-based) fuels make up the bulk of our costs. Power-generation costs, other than fuel, reach Rp 10 trillion a year. The government and the House of Representatives had yet to determine the size of the subsidy for power generation next year. In the second revision of the 2005 state budget, PLN will receive a subsidy of Rp 12.5 trillion this year, more than triple the Rp 4.1 trillion it was to have initially received. The subsidy was increased to cover the fuel price hike in March 2005 and the special market prices applied for some three million kl of overquota fuel. A member of the House of Representatives' Budget Commission, Tjatur Sapto Edy, said that the subsidy for PLN would be set lower next year. The commission will deliberate on the subsidy later this month, he said, declining to say if an increase in power rates would be approved to offset higher production costs and the lower subsidy.
Tindakan Kerajaan Indonesia ini dipuji pakar ekonomi kerana ia satu tindakan berani yang dapat menghalang peningkatan beban kewangan pada masa depan, manakala yang lain mempersoalkan sama ada Indonesia mampu menanggung kesan sampingannya sedikit masa lagi. Kritikan juga diberikan kepada potensi pelaksanaan skim SLT yang mungkin tidak telus.
[Note: The government's spending on the fuel subsidy has reached Rp 80 trillion this year from the approved Rp 89.2 trillion for the entire year. With fuel consumption estimated to reach about 10 million kiloliters at the end of December 2005 (also the end of the fiscal year), the subsidy will likely give consumers a discount of between Rp 800 and Rp 1,000 per liter. The government's proposal on the second and final revision of the 2005 state budget was finally approved by the House of Representatives in a six-hour debate and a 273-to-83 vote on 27 Sept 2005. The approval forecast the fuel subsidy to cost Rp 89.2 trillion from the previous Rp 76.5 trillion and forecast the deficit to be Rp 25.1 trillion, or 0.9 percent of the gross domestic product (GDP). Aburizal assured the nation that the government would keep the amount of subsidies in check and at the same time ensure that the new prices and their snowball effects would not significantly burden the public. The soaring price has forced Indonesia, the only OPEC member that imports oil, to dig deeper in state coffers to finance imports on 300,000 barrels of crude oil and 400,000 barrels of refined fuel products each day.]

Sumber Berita: Berita Minggu, MIngguan Malaysia, Republika, The Jakarta Post


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