Sunday, September 17, 2006

Reply to The Sun Newspaper

Reply to The Sun Newspaper: The Zuriani Zonneveld Interview


Pak Lah has given a directive to the media to stop publicizing provocative and corresponding emotive opinions/responses surrounding religious issues, but unfortunately denigrating the practice of syariah around the world, deliberately highlighting in some cases validly pathetic circumstances continues to be given wide publicity by the English newspapers in the country. Recently, the Sun has continued to ascribe to itself to be the purveyor of such a trend and we make reference specifically to the highly misinformed and personally prejudiced interview by Zuriani 'Ani' Zonneveld, reported in the Sun as a 2-part interview on 24th August and 7th September recently.

While it is becoming tiresome (though we assure everyone that we are energized to defend Islam and the Ummah!) to have to respond to the opinions of one who has a manifestly superficial understanding of her (Ani) religion, we must categorically state that the publicity given to such damaging opinions cannot be left unanswered.

The caption heading of "Challenging Core Values" already takes a belligerent stance on the core values of Islam which no spirited Muslim will allow to go pass. If values are to be challenged, then all the values in the tenets of all religions need to be challenged as the so called adherents continue to wage "crusades" of modern times in a more barbaric and murderous fashion – all because they are intent on making others like them and therefore "if you are not with us, you are against us". It is indeed laughable then that Ani happily basks in the limelight of that "crusading environment" and is totally ignorant of the fact that she has become malleable in the hands of those who are anti her self professed religion.

For her to quote verses from the Holy Quran and her spurious interpretations egged on by the margins of her own group (Progressive Muslim Union of North America), smacks of conceit and delusion. This can only stem from a definite lack of understanding (far from being knowledge) and her void of personal identity. If only apart from "Singing About Faith", she would commence the journey of learning about faith can she then credibly take on the cudgels in defending what she believes is worth defending. Otherwise, it can be only a little more than embarking on a vendetta of sorts derived from a personal identity crisis and her own personal quagmire of cultural despair. What then the purpose of the interviewers in ending with the punch line "My husband is Dutch". Is there an intended insinuation?

It suffices to pick one or two of her many pontifications in her eagerness to show "others are wrong" illustrates a severe inadequacy of understanding of the evolution of Islamic thought. For example, "leading congregational prayers" is made an issue that should be examined within the context of rational thought that seeks clarification and searches for relevant meaning; and one cannot simply discard its evolution if one wants to do justice to the issue. Again, the exhortation of every person unto himself – "you unto yours and me unto mine" is asserted completely devoid of its contextual relevance. We urge Ani to go and learn before she opines further!

There are many more instances of unbalanced criticisms she has made against Malaysia. Her haughty attitude of "Ya, go on, print this. I don't care..... Let him (PM) read it" typifies her de-culturalization and the arrogance of those steeped in the culture of "hang them when you find them.... Dead or Alive."

Finally, while she accuses those she disagrees with as being arrogant and self-righteous, she herself manifests those traits. And as she forthrightly puts it, "I don't claim to be a Muslim scholar. I just challenge them (ulama') to go learn, go study! Don't assume you know your faith."……She too, should look in the mirror and take that advice for herself that isn't it just possible that she needs to go learn and study her self-professed faith!

It is with trepidation and deep concern that we see the publicity given to these virulent denigration of the practice of syariah, i.e. the practices of the Muslim Ummah which has become a constant assault – overwhelmingly negative, hardly positive. We view this as a battle of "proxy" and would urge those in authority, including the editors to exercise a responsible circumspection in their duties rather than to take cheap pot shots motivated by whatever agendas. What is dismaying is that they continue in their destabilizing agenda while ostensibly giving lip service to the directive of Pak Lah; worse they exploit the affinity they have with the Prime Minister and his immediate family. Let us genuinely respect the Prime Minister and sincerely accept his wisdom with at least some basic honesty.

Yours sincerely,

Yusri Mohamad
Chairman of PEMBELA Meeting
and President
Muslim Youth Movement of Malaysia (ABIM)

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