Sunday, September 17, 2006

Muslim anger grows at Pope speech

Last Updated: BBCFriday, 15 September 2006, 01:28 GMT 02:28 UK

Muslim anger grows at Pope speech

Pope Benedict XVI in Freising, southern Germany

The Pope's comments came on a visit to Germany

A statement from the Vatican has failed to quell criticism of Pope Benedict XVI from Muslim leaders, after he made a speech about the concept of holy war.
Speaking in Germany, the Pope quoted a 14th Century Christian emperor who said Muhammad had brought the world only "evil and inhuman" things................

We all know about Pope

How dare the Pontiff utter such slander towards Islam dan the Prophet s.a.w. ? Observers have noted previous statements before by Pope Benedict XVI which tended to show his true colours concerning other religions especially his own subtle aversion to Islam in his speeches and his thoughts expounded.

No one should expect a Christian leader to show belief nor be sympathetic towards Islam and its adherents. However being the supreme head of the largest Catholic denomination, utterances must not be callous and disparaging especially in times of religious suspicion and animosity.

But what do we expect from a Church which has its roots in being rejected from the public domain of life? Catholicsm was relegated to become limited to a personal relationship with God for self preservation or salvation, surrendering unto Caesar everything else. The Catholic Church became the most corrupted and tyrannical institution in Europe’s dark history. Out of this rejection, spawned humanism, secularism and the decline of religion in governing human affairs. Mankind in Europe basically reformed themselves and aspired a reawakening and scientific advancement devout of any regard for divine guidance nor religious morality.

It was the mass agitation of Pope Urban that drove millions of Crusaders to attack and plunder Muslim lands and the East, the Orient. The promise of God, Gold and Glory, with it mass murder, destruction and subsequent colonisation was the Catholic’s Church doing. The fall of Jerusalem to the first crusaders brought genocide of hundreds of thousands of innocent Muslims and Jews. It was the Pope and the Church at that age that inspired the conquest and extermination of the natives of the Americas.

Even today the Catholic Papal authority is rife with scandals, sleaze and corruption. Celibacy may be an honourable vow to some and a painful self inflicting punishment but has been seen to be quite hypocritical. Being unmarried but having human desires led many senior Catholic church leaders, priests and nuns to engage in demeaning and debasing behaviour. It led to cover ups and the church is in a mess. Scandals after scandals have hit the disgraced Catholic church throughout history until today.

The Pope has to put his church’s history and his own house in order. Muslims however have to the right to be angry but we have to remain calm at such agitation because we all know the true nature of the Pope and all of his ways and all of his minions.

Abu Omar

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