Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
More Muslim women in Britain wear veils
Olivia Harris (Reuters, August 21, 2014)
When youth worker Sumreen Farooq was abused in a London street, the 18-year-old decided it was time to take a stand - and she started to wear a headscarf.
Farooq is one of many young Muslim women living in Britain who have, for various reasons, chosen to adopt the headscarf to declare their faith to all around them, despite figures showing rising violence against visibly identifiable Muslims.
For despite a common view that young Muslim women are forced to wear veils by men or their families, studies and interviews point to the opposite in Muslim minority countries where it is often the case that the women themselves choose to cover up.
"I'm going to stand out whatever I do, so I might as well wear the headscarf," said Farooq, a shop assistant who also volunteers at an Islamic youth centre in Leyton, east London.
While just under five percent of Britain's 63 million population are Muslim, there are no official numbers on how many women wear a headscarf or head veil, known as the hijab, or the full-face veil, the niqab, which covers all the face except the eyes. The niqab is usually worn with a head-to-toe robe or abaya.
But anecdotally it seems in recent years that more young women are choosing to wear a headscarf to assert a Muslim identity they feel is under attack and to publicly display their beliefs.
Shanza Ali, 25, a Masters graduate who works for a Muslim-led non-profit organisation in London, said she was born in Pakistan and her Pakistani mother had never worn the veil but both she and her sister Sundas chose to do so aged about 20.
"I decided to make a commitment as a Muslim and I have never stopped since," Shanza told Reuters in her family home in Walthamstow, east London where prayer mats hang from the walls alongside modern, family portraits.
"Sometimes you forget that you're covering your hair but you never forget why you're covering. You remember, that to you, your character should be more important than your appearance.
"It makes it easier for Muslim women to keep away from things that you don't want to do that would impact your value system. If you don't want to go clubbing, drink, or have relations outside marriage, it can help, but it can also just be a reminder to be a good person and treat others well."
Shaista Gohir, chairman of the Muslim Women's Network UK, said more women had adopted headscarves since the attacks in the United States on Sept. 11, 2001, and in London on July 7, 2005, put them under greater political and public scrutiny.
"For some young women it is a way of showing they are different and they are Muslim although it is not a Muslim obligation," she told Reuters.
She said the full-face niqab was a minor phenomenon in Britain, worn by relatively few women, although it had become central to a wider debate in the country about integration and British values.
This was put to the test last year when a judge ruled a Muslim woman could not give evidence at a trial wearing a niqab, sparking debate about whether Britain should follow other European countries and ban full-face veils in public places.
After a national debate, a compromise was reached and it was agreed that the woman could wear the niqab during the trial but not when she was giving evidence.
Modesty in Islam is key for both men and women but most Islamic scholars agree that women adopting a full-face veil is more to do with culture than religion.
But women who publicly display their religion by wearing a scarf of any kind have found they can be targeted for doing so.
Figures released recently from the campaign group Tell MAMA (Measuring Anti-Muslim Attacks) showed the number of attacks against Muslims in Britain was one the rise.
During its first year of monitoring, Tell MAMA recorded 584 anti-Muslim incidents between April 1 2012 and April 30 2013, with about 74 percent of these taking place online.
Of the physical incidents, six in 10, or 58 percent, were against Muslim women and 80 percent of women targeted were visually identifiable by wearing a hijab or niqab.
The number rose to 734 incidents over the 10 months from Mary 2013 to February 2014 with 54 percent of these against women and a total of 599 online. There was a spike in reports in the weeks following the murder of off-duty soldier Lee Rigby in south London in May last year by two British Muslim converts.
"Attacks against visibly dressed Muslim females may not accurately explain away the trend of hate crimes being opportunistic and situational. The data suggests that the alleged perpetrators of anti-Muslim hate crimes at a street-based level, are young white males targeting Muslim women, and that is a cause for concern," Tell MAMA said in a statement.
Matthew Feldman, co-founder of the Centre for Fascist, Anti-Fascist and Post-Fascist Studies at Teesside University who analyses Tell MAMA data, said the rise in the numbers of attacks could be partly due to more awareness of the reporting process.
"But there is a slight bump in the occurrence of people wearing more visible dress and of victims being women rather than men," Feldman told Reuters.
"We are seeing an unacceptable rise in the level of anti-Muslim attacks but it does seem there is a pretty small number of violent, hardcore far-right people responsible for a high number of these."
He said it was surprising but reassuring that the rise in violence against Muslim women had been accompanied by a rise in the number of women adopting the veil.
This was also the conclusion of a study last year by the University of Birmingham that found over 15 years Muslim women had repeatedly been shown to be disproportionately targeted in relation to anti-Muslim hatred as they were identifiable.
None of the women attacked, however, had stopped wearing a veil as a result.
Yasmin Navsa, 17, a student from Hackney in east London, said wearing a hijab made her stand out and made her different.
"In Islam it doesn't say anywhere you have to wear a veil but it's a choice. It's more fashionable now with different colours and styles which makes it more attractive to wear," Navsa told Reuters in a break from exams.
"I've found it's so common to wear a headscarf now in London that you don't get looked at twice any more but I think wearing a full-face veil would attract some negative comments."
This approach to adopting the hijab with a view to being identifiably Muslim was typical in Muslim minority nations but not in countries where Muslims are in the majority.
An international study in 2012, conducted in Austria, India, Indonesia and Britain, looked at Muslim women's views on wearing a headscarf in Indonesia which is a Muslim majority society, compared to India that is a Muslim minority.
It found that in a majority, women talked about convenience, fashion, and modesty as reasons for veiling.
But in minority communities, women's responses were more diverse, ranging from religious arguments to convenience and to opposition against stereotypes and discrimination.
"For women in minorities the veil was a way to affirm their cultural identity and a political and resistant way to address negativity about Muslim communities," said researcher Caroline Howarth, from the London School of Economics.
"This does contradict the view dominant in non-Muslim countries in the West that the female scarf is a symbol of religious fundamentalism and patriarchal oppression."
Sundas Ali, 29, said her husband, whom she married last year after an introduction between their families, made it clear to her from the outset that wearing the hijab was her decision.
She said some young Muslim women even received kickback from some men for wearing a headscarf as they were seen as "boring, unfashionable, and no fun".
"There is a misconception that it is the men telling the women what they should wear but for me and all my friends this is just not the case," Sundas, an Oxford university graduate with a PhD in sociology, told Reuters.
"My husband left it up to me as he doesn't practise ritualistic religion. We both have a mixed identity, our religious, ethnic, and national identities are all important to us. His eastern side really appealed to me but also the fact that he is quite liberal, in an open-minded way. We really are the modern Muslim generation."
Sunday, June 22, 2014
Fwd: Kamus bahasa Kedah
PERKATAAN SEBUTAN MAKSUD CONTOH PENGGUNAAN DALAM AYAT ghonot [gho.not] tundukkan badan ketika melalui dibawah sesuatu Hang kena hati-hati sikit ghonot bawah pokok tu, banyak dahan gheput. ghupin [] kulit kering dari luka Ghupin hang hari tu dah lega dah noo.. kecek [ke.chek] pujuk Nak duit ? Nu, pi kecek pak hang... selului [] kerap kali Selului sangat dah, aku bagi pinjam duit kat Non tuu... meghelop [me.ghe.lop] hampir malam Hampa ni main sampai tak tau nak beghenti, dah meghelop dah nih.. pi balik kaihh.. ghona-ghoni [] warna-warni Ambooii, cantiknya ghona-ghoni baju dia ghayup [gha.yup] lesap sekelip mata/ terlalu laju Ish, puak ni bawak mutu me ghayup nak mampuih.. kot! ghosek [gho.sek] selongkar Apa hang ni, dok ghosek laci meja aku ni.. nyulog [nyu.log] jatuh tersembam/ dibelasah teruk Haa, ,baru dia ada akai, kena taboh sampai menyuloq.. kahag sangat! bulog [bu.log] lapar sangat Tak ke bulog aku nak makan masakan dia tu.. taboh [ta.boh] pukul/ belasah Dengag kata hang kena taboh dek Mat Rosni semalam? ghelah [ghe.lah] terkoyak Alamak! Ghelah baju aku kalau Mat Habib pakai!? ghunaih [ghu.naih] cungkil/ kupil Woi Jat! Hang dok ghunaih apa, tengok jaa dah laa.. geghek [ge.ghek] basikal Setiap pagi Zainol kayuh gerek ke tempat gheja! mod [mot] bawak pembonceng/ penumpang Jat dok mod Nuri pi mana tuu...!? Sakan depa noo... sakan [sa.kan] hebat/ tak sangka Sakan jugak Jat ni.. dapat jugak dia si Nuri tu..! sekeh [se.keh] luku secara sipi Ish! Aku sekeh budak Sepol ni.. pat kali ajag tak gheti-gheti lagi.?! seneghih [] selisih Lah! Hang seneghih ngan aku kat K.L hari tu buat tak tau aja! Meqhenin - tegang/cekang- perut Chaq nampak meqhenin selepas dia makan nasik tambah yang dihidangkan kat rumah kenduri tadiCemuih - bosan- cik putih ngan vics dah cemuih nak dengaq pak chaq dok perayat(mencurah rasa) depa hari-hariMenyoqhok - sarapan pagi- pagi tadi misai ngan mat bed dok usha nasik lemak bekalan aku tu sebab depa tak menyoqhok lagiMenghenyeh - gatai menqhela- tak habih-habih chaq dok menqhenyeh kat cik putih tuNdoi - buaian- isteri chaq selalu marah kat dia pasai dia penyegan nak hayun ndoi anak diacheme - pree- ada team yang mendapat mata cheme pada satu pertandingan kelmarinseneghih - berlaga sipi-sipibeghetoh - berlaga,pengkarq - jalan mengengkang sikit, "korie tu, tak padan ngan kaki pengkarq, ada hati nak main bola 7 sebelah"mandom - lembab/slow, " awat yang mandom sangat ni... tak cukup tidoq kot semalam?"pangkin - benda yang ada 4 kaki rendah sikit drp meja, selalunya diletakkan dibawah pokok sebagai tempat berehat atau megheloh"cunggit - "misai, mai dok tengah sikit, satgi cunggit, hang tu dahlah badan macam gasi"ayam piru - ayam belanda/turkeypak/mak/anak menakan - pak/mak/anak saudaraketorq - bekas isi bahan buangan yang selalunya diperbuat dari tinHeliaq - sapu atau lapayat dia : lepas makan jangan dok heliaq kat baju.Kelepiaq - elakkan diri dari buat kerja.ayat dia : hang jangan dok kelepiaq kalau aku suruh pi kedai.Melingkaq - maksud dia aku tak pasti tapi ayat dia lebih kurang macam ni : tuu dia tengok misai tidok melingkaq macam ulaq sawa.Baloq liat - malasayat dia : heee tengok budak misai tu,dah la tidoq melingkaq,baloq liat lak tu.Ceghin - tegakKughuih Kelepiang - teramat kurus.ayat dia : korie tu dah la kughuih kelepiang ,rambut pulak ceghin macam bulu landak.kawaq - pencurimelewaq- merayau/melilauteqhebe - lastik cth : kepala pengadil habih bdarah krn di teghebe oleh peyokong kedah yg tak puas ati...cemerkap - tak cermatmegheben - mengarutceluih - muat,padanoklah..tu saja utk kali ni..nanti ada words yg best kita tulih lg..idup kedah!!kedah boleh!!Hinggut - goyang "oleh kerana zickeys gayat kalau dok kat tempat tinggi.... maka dia pun hinggut pokok nyoq tersebut dengan harapan buah nyoq muda lughuh..."meghenyut - (Korie tu tak padan ngan anak meghenyut dah, dok menghela lagi)bincut - binjul "tu dia la... kan aku suruh tunduk, tak pasai-pasai kepala hang bincut dah teghantuk dengan alang tu"pancat - pancitklesen - mesin padi (first time aku dengaq bila wife aku sebut dulu, aku gelak sampai pecah peghut.... aku ingat laa... "klesen" ni orang Hutan Kampung saja yang sebut kot?... he he he jangan habaq kat bini aku, takut kena tidoq luaq)segagan - sebayabeghemba - bersaing-saing... "Kalau kayuh geghek tu jangan dok beghemba, nanti gheta belah kot belakang" mak aku pesan kat aku sambil menghulurkan bekal nasik lauk teloq goreng mata khebau berkuah toyu sebelum aku kesekolah pada pagi kelmaghin....met ngot - lembab selembab-lembabnya.... Awat la yang met ngot sangat ni..... depa dah tak sabaq dah nak ambik gambaq tuu....Toyu - kicapsegan - maluberanda - serambimengoit - jangan dok mengoit.... satgi gambaq tak elok... kata ustad kat matbed...kucai - kacau (orang dulu-dulu sebut kucai)melugai - meloyatambahan loghat perelih :mengkait petei = jolok petaisurat abeik = surat khabarhang nak mulih no = hang nak mampuih kaloghat kedah versi paksu aku :akanduri akandara = kenduri kendarahastum = oiiitaik punai @ taik kanna = haram jadah, loklak betuiatah = bapa saudaraloghat kedah biasa :raba = pemadamtui motor = race motorsegan = malaih, tak mau (ini selalu mengkompiuskan orang KL)gurmit = pengasah pensil, sharpennertepeqheluih - kaki mat bed tepeqheluih dalam lubang...tegelinchaq - kaki bangku tegelinchaq kat bukit hijau...(bukan caarq no)telepaih - i) tertinggal - atan telepaih bas nak balik aloq setaq...pot - tin...peqhak - peqhak buih laa hang niii...teqhandaih - terhantuk...seqhoi - nasi yg whit3 masak seqhoi ...seghoh = kuruih + gelapkelam = gelaptirih = bocoqplantaq = tempat duduk kat belakang gerekserondoi = [ aku tak tau nak terang kat ampa. macam terpa la]lau ayam = reban ayamcekendon = lembut lututketayap = kepiahban = batas tepi sungaiaih ketoi = ais batughelai = hancurLORAT PENANGpunggah = macam musnah la kotchempera = terhegeh hegehjuah = belagakmerak buih = suka menunjukjora = macam belagak gak lasiru = peninloghat - sibuk, penyibukcth: awat yang hang dok loghat sangat nih! buat la gheja hang sendiri..punggai/tongkoi - baling,membalingayat:mat bed kena punggai dengan kayu..padan muka dia.geleboq - lumpurayat:ghebau pak chaq jatuh dalam geleboq kat bendang pagi tadi...meghela - gatai,suka dok kacau orangayat:awat yang hang dok meghela sangat ni?lengai - mat ngot,lembabayat:atoi ni lengai la.suruh buat gheja apa pun tak buleh...belengaih - melekat bergetahayat:Ish..badan aku rasa belengaih la..nak kena pi mandi plak ni.pengkaq - kaki kenkangayat:kaki mat din pengkaq sebab mak dia tak bedong masa kecik-kecik dulu.bedengkoi -....ayat:urat perut pak leh "bedengkoi" sebab dia mengeliat.herot petot -(tolong bagi tau sat)ayat:(tolong buat ayat sat...aku pun tak tau nak bagi ayat macam mana dah)ghelin-menjeling
Friday, June 13, 2014
Pulau Pinang “… tanah air beta paduka marhum…”
akarimomar posted: "Mungkin sudah tiba masanya untuk kembalikan Pulau Pinang kepada penguasa yang asalnya, Tuanku Sultan Kedah. Kedah, an unbroken Malay kingship By Dr A. Murad Merican - 12 June 2014 - New Straits Times The sultanate of Kedah boasts an unbroken line str"
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Pulau Pinang "… tanah air beta paduka marhum…"
by akarimomarMungkin sudah tiba masanya untuk kembalikan Pulau Pinang kepada penguasa yang asalnya, Tuanku Sultan Kedah.
Kedah, an unbroken Malay kingship
By Dr A. Murad Merican - 12 June 2014 - New Straits Times
The sultanate of Kedah boasts an unbroken line stretching over 878 years by a single royal family. Japan and Thailand, on the other hand, were ruled by different royal families over the centuries.
Tracing Kedah's history and its royal lineage broadens the understanding of the peninsula's place in relation to the history of the Malay Archipelago, Southeast Asia and the world, and certainly, the history of Penang.
A study of another "model" of Kedah challenges the rather narrow concept of the purely riverine Malay negeri (state). In some respect, Kedah resembled the maritime-entrepot polities of states, such as Palembang-Srivajaya, Malacca and Johor-Riau.
What is more significant of the Malay state is that Kedah's rulers not only controlled the seas and land, but also the riverine hinterland and river sources.
The Kedah monarch was, indeed, the sovereign of both land and sea routes between the Indian Ocean and South China Sea.
In his foreword to Malay Kingship in Kedah: Religion, Trade and Society (2014, first published in 2013) by Maziar Mozaffari Falarti, Professor Emeritus of Asian Studies C.A. Troki described Kedah as one of the most durable dynasties in Southeast Asia (if not the whole Islamic world).
Falarti's study of Kedah's traditional history, for the first time in the literature, notes its relationship to South, Central and West Asia. The book brings to our attention the Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa, much neglected and often dismissed as mythical, as a textual foundation for the spiritual legitimacy on the dynasty.
Its use of indigenous literary, oral and cultural sources, hitherto, doubted and ignored by scholars in the understanding of Kedah and, by extension, the Malay world and Southeast Asia, gave vital insights to the context and value of ideas and events.
Such sources brought a new understanding of historic Southeast Asia and the Malay Archipelago.
According to Falarti, Kedah has its own unique royal lineage in the Malay world, tracing itself to the "land of Rum or Persia, instead of Alexander the Great or through the Palembang-Malacca-Johor line".
There is also the link between Kedah and the indigenous orang laut, or the Bugis-Makassar, Ilanun and Siak-Minangkabau. These peoples engaged themselves in Kedah/Penang, and in the northern Malacca Straits.
My interest in Falarti's work, originally a 2009 doctoral thesis titled "Kedah: the foundations and durability of Malay kingship" and submitted to the Humanities Research Programme, Queensland University of Technology, focuses on two aspects: one, Kedah as a maritime power in Southeast Asia and, two, its reference to the early history of Penang.
Falarti, unlike earlier scholars on Malaya or Kedah history, does not see Penang as a separate entity from the sultanate.
Kedah historiography, on the other hand, unfortunately, has structured Penang as alien to the sultanate, thus, erasing more than a millennia of history.
Kedah's unique geography and its connections to overland and sea routes saw its cultural and social links by land to Pattani, Nakhon Si Thammarat and old Siam further north, as well as the Malay territories, mostly to its south and southeastern borders; and by sea, to Sumatra, Burma, Angkor, the Mon principalities, China, India and Persia, as well as Europe.
Falarti argues that Kedah traditionally acted as a regional exchange hub. Contrary to its present image as a padi-planting state, with a history not much more than the Lembah Bujang and Siamese invasions of the 18th and 19th centuries, Kedah was eclectic.
There was an intermingling of peoples, goods and cultures over the centuries.
The sultanate's commanding link to the sea and overland routes enabled a regular exchange of traditions, literary sources, education, languages, sciences and inventions to travel to and from Kedah.
Safe passages were ensured, as in the example of using sea lords. In Raja Ali Haji's Tuhfat al-Nafis, we find Syed Ali, the Siak sea lord, leaving Siak in the Straits of Malacca solely to ambush Songkla in the Gulf of Siam on behalf of Kedah.
The Siak-Minangkabau/Bugis-Makassar rivalry in Kedah was intertwined to Raja Kechil and the early history of Penang.
Falarti notes that there were Minangkabau on the island, aligned traditionally with Siak. There are also Minangkabau settlements in Seberang Prai around 1780.
In the first half of the 18th century, Penang was invaded by pirates -- the orang laut or the Bugis.
Falarti suggests that Nakhoda Nan Intan (originally from the Minangkabau heartland of Payakumbuh), who settled in Batu Uban in the 1730s, had either asked the help of Siak's sea lords or Kedah's ruler.
According to Falarti, the presence of Minangkabau or the possible Siak refitting or naval base in Kedah was, indeed, significant in blocking foreign intrusion and maintaining peace.
Penang did not escape being narrated by the Achenese 18th-century epic, Hikayat Potjut Muhammat, as peaceful and tranquil.
Penang Island was the jewel in the Kedah Crown.
Its loss to Francis Light and the East India Company was not sentimental if we care to go through the letters of Sultan Ahmad Tajuddin Abdul Halim Shah II (1797-1843) and Sultan Badlishah (1943-1958). The former, in a letter dated May 3, 1837, described Penang as "... tanah air beta paduka marhum...".
akarimomar | 13 June, 2014 at 11:19 am | Categories: Melayu, warisan sejarah | URL:
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Tuesday, June 10, 2014
Indonesia Super League Persib vs Barito Putera 10 Juni 2014
Sedangkan Barito berada di peringkat keenam dengan poin 20 dari 15 pertandingan. Pelatih Persib Bandung, Djajang Nurjaman, mengungkapkan timnya harus mengantisipasi permainan bertahan yang kemungkinan akan diterapkan Barito Putera. Seperti diberitakan sebelumnya, kedua tim akan bentrok dalam lanjutan wilayah barat Indonesia Super League (ISL) 2014 di Stadion Si Jalak Harupat, Soreang, 10 Juni nanti.Persib sendiri sangat membutuhkan tiga poin di laga tersebut untuk menjaga peluang mereka lolos ke babak delapan besar. Pelatih yang akrab disapa Djanur itu pun telah menyiapkan strategi untuk menghadapi laga tersebut."Tentunya kami harus menyerang," ucap Djanur.Persib vs Barito Putera Kalau Barito main bertahan, itu seperti lawan yang sudah-sudah yang tanding di Jalak Harupat," tambahnya.Dia pun mengantisipasi semangat para penggawa tim Laskar Antasari yang ingin melakukan revans. Mengingat, pada putaran pertama lalu Persib berhasil mengecundangi Barito di kandangnya dengan skor 2-0.
Head To Head Persib vs Barito Putera:
9 Mar 2014 PS Barito Putera 0 - Persib 2 Indonesia Super League
26 Jul 2013 PS Barito Putera 2 - Persib 2 Indonesia Super League
3 Apr 2013 Persib 3 - PS Barito Putera 2 Indonesia Super League
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Persib:
29 Mei 2014 Persib 4 - Gresik United 1 ISL
25 Mei 2014 Arema 2 - Persib 2 ISL
20 Mei 2014 Persib 2 - Pelita Bandung Raya 2 ISL
14 Mei 2014 Persib 1 - Ajax Amsterdam 1 UJI
8 Mei 2014 Persib 0 - Persija 0 ISL
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir PS Barito Putera:
1 Jun 2014 PS Barito Putera 0 - Sriwijaya FC 0 ISL
29 Mei 2014 PS Barito Putera 2 - Persita Tangerang 0 ISL
23 Mei 2014 Persijap Jepara 0 - PS Barito Putera 2 ISL
17 Mei 2014 Persik 4 - PS Barito Putera 1 ISL
4 Mei 2014 Sriwijaya FC 4 - PS Barito Putera 2 ISL
Saturday, June 07, 2014
Ujicoba Antarnegara Inggris vs Honduras 8 Juni 2014
Namun, meski demikian, Hodgson menegaskan dirinya sudah tidak perlu melihat bagaimana performa Sterling di pertandingan untuk mengetahui kualitas yang ia miliki.Reaksinya luar biasa," ujar Hodgson. "Dia kerap tidak terhentikan di sesi latihan. Dia tidak akan kehilangan apapun dalam hal kebugaran dan bagaimana dia bermain, dilema yang saya miliki adalah saya memiliki lebih dari 11 pemain yang saya pikir mampu mengisi peran mereka saat melawan Italia.Saya tidak membutuhkan performa dari dia [Sterling] nanti untuk menunjukkan kepada saya bahwa dia cukup bagus untuk melawan Italia. Inggris vs Honduras Saya kecewa karena dia diusir, tetapi itu tidak mempengaruhi kesempatan dia bermain di skuat utama ketika turnamen dimulai.Selain Italia, The Three Lions juga akan berhadapan dengan Uruguay dan Kosta Rika di grup D.
Head To Head Inggris vs Honduras:
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Inggris:
5 Jun 2014 Ekuador 2 - Inggris 2 UJI
31 Mei 2014 Inggris 3 - Peru 0 UJI
6 Mar 2014 Inggris 1 - Denmark 0 UJI
20 Nov 2013 Inggris 0 - Jerman 1 UJI
16 Nov 2013 Inggris 0 - Cili 2 UJI
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Honduras:
2 Jun 2014 Honduras 2 - Israel 4 UJI
30 Mei 2014 Honduras 0 - Turki 2 UJI
6 Mar 2014 Honduras 2 - Venezuela 1 UJI
20 Nov 2013 Honduras 2 - Ekuador 2 UJI
17 Nov 2013 Honduras 0 - Brasil 5 UJI
Thursday, June 05, 2014
ISL Prediksi Gresik vs Arema 5 Juni 2014
Karena itu, target ke Gresik sama seperti target pertandingan Arema sebelumnya, yaitu memenangkan pertandingan. Tidak heran, Suharno tetap akan memberikan instruksi bermain menyerang kepada anak buahnya. Kemenangan 5-0 di pertemuan sebelumnya juga tak membuat mereka jemawa.Suharno menjelaskan, laga melawan Gresik adalah laga biasa, Gresik United vs Arema sehingga adanya anggapan Suharno ingin balas dendam akibat dipecat musim lalu dibantah sang pelatih.
Head-To-Head Gresik United vs Arema:
08 Mei 2014 (ISL) Arema 5 â€" 0 Gresik United
14 Jun 2013 (ISL) Arema 1 â€" 1 Gresik United
07 Mar 2013 (ISL) Gresik United 1 â€" 2 Arema
30 Jun 2012 (ISL) Arema 0 â€" 0 Gresik United
17 Des 2011 (ISL) Gresik United 2 â€" 0 Arema
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Gresik United:
29 Mei 2014 (ISL) Persib 4 â€" 1 Gresik United
26 Mei 2014 (ISL) Pelita Bandung Raya 4 â€" 1 Gresik United
22 Mei 2014 (ISL) Gresik United 1 â€" 1 Persija
18 Mei 2014 (ISL) Gresik United 1 â€" 0 Semen Padang
08 Mei 2014 (ISL) Arema 5 â€" 0 Gresik United
Lima Pertandingan Terakhir Arema:
31 Mei 2014 (ISL) Pelita Bandung Raya 0 â€" 1 Arema
25 Mei 2014 (ISL) Arema 2 â€" 2 Persib 21 Mei 2014 (ISL) Arema 1 â€" 2 Semen Padang
18 Mei 2014 (ISL) Arema 1 â€" 0 Persija
14 Mei 2014 (AFC) Kitchee SC 2 â€" 0 Arema
Tuesday, April 22, 2014
Khairil Ramli's invitation is awaiting your response

Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Khairil Ramli's invitation is awaiting your response
