Thursday, December 21, 2006

The Lesson For Malaysia

The Lesson For Malaysia
M. Bakri Musa

The office of the President of the United States is the most powerful.
The power, prestige, and influence wielded by its occupant are
unmatched. Yet there was the remarkable event recently of a bipartisan
committee of ten distinguished Americans publicly telling their
President in no uncertain terms that his policy in Iraq was fatally flawed.

To me, this again demonstrates the beauty and genius of the American
system. It is remarkable that rest of the world (except for Iraq, of
course) does not appreciate the significance of this singular event.
While Malaysian media covered in some details the recent American
midterm elections, they hardly had a word on the Iraq Study Group and
its Report.

Yet there is an important lesson or two here for Malaysia. One, even
the most powerful leader can be subjected to scrutiny by the citizens
at any time, not just at elections. Two, such criticisms even during
times of war do not in any way undermine the power or prestige of that
office. No American, not even the President who is the prime target of
the criticism, is accusing the committee of undermining the war efforts
in Iraq by their criticisms. Nor Bush did question the loyalty of the
committee members or his other critics.

In mark contrast, there was Prime Minister Abdullah Bawadi in his usual
self-righteousness manner accusing those who criticized him as engaging
in fitnah. This is an especially sinister exercise as that derogatory
term is replete with profound religious implications. It is
particularly offensive coming as it was from a self-professed
“religious scholar” and “ulama.”

There was another remarkable aspect to the Iraq Study Group. It
presented its report directly to President Bush in a face-to-face
meeting on December 6, 2006 at 7AM. Rest assured that everyone was
wide eyed and awake, especially the President, at that early morning
meeting. Please take note of this, Mr. Prime Minister!

Before submitting its unanimous report, the Group had earlier
“interviewed” (grilled is the more accurate word) the President and
senior members of his team. The Group released its full report to the
public on the day it was presented to the President. There was no
hiding behind concerns on “national security” or “sensitive issue.”

The Relevant Lessons

Like many, I feel strongly that Malaysia is headed in the wrong
direction. Our society is increasingly fragmented along racial,
religious, and regional lines while our institutions are losing their
integrity and effectiveness through the twin blights of corruption and

Malaysians increasingly view themselves as “us” versus “them.” The
“us” could be Malays and the “them,” non-Malays. For Malays, the “us”
could be those who subscribe to the “pure” form of Islam, and the
“them,” the misled. For the Chinese, the “us” could be those who have
adapted to the Malaysian reality and proudly display their Tan Sris and
Datuks, while the “them” are those who feel that the very survival of
the great Chinese culture and language rests on their shoulders. For
the Indians, the “us” could be those who have forsaken their “anak
lelaki” or “anak perempuan” of their birth certificates for a “bin” or
“binte” respectively, acquire an affected Kedah accent, and voila,
suddenly become ardent defenders of Malay special privileges! The
“them” are the rest.

Our national schools no longer attract a significant portion of our
citizens, and our universities have failed to provide the necessary
skilled manpower. Thousands of our graduates are unemployed, or more
correctly, unemployable.

Economically, Malaysia no longer attracts foreign investments.
Investors, local and foreign, perceive the nation as being increasingly
corrupt. The recent demands by civil servants for a 40 percent pay
hike reflect the increasing cost and declining standard of living.

Instead of being the engine that would propel our progress, the civil
service is a major impediment. The only difference between lawbreakers
and law enforcers is that the latter is on the government payroll.
Otherwise they both extort and terrorize the public. As these public
institutions are essentially Malay, they also bring shame and dishonor
to our race.

Those are the realities, but we would not know that from the official
pronouncements. That is to be expected; those in power do not
willingly expose their mistakes and inadequacies.

The Surprising Elegant Silence of Many

What is surprising is the “elegant silence” of others. As I look at
the roster of distinguished Malaysians now retired from academia, the
professions, and public service, I am humbled by their integrity,
intelligence, and contributions. I wonder how they feel seeing their
fine legacies now being dismantled, and in many cases defiled.

Their silence is puzzling. If they feel that the nation is headed in
the right direction and their legacies in good hands, they should voice
their support. That would encourage the leaders to do more of the
same. If they disagree, then they owe it to their fellow citizens to
voice those concerns.

The only luminary who has spoken out is Tun Mahathir. The way the
establishment has been treating him reveals volumes of its rigid “group
think” and insular mindset. That Mahathir was defeated as a party
delegate from his old constituency was a humiliation not for him but
for those party members. If pearls had been cast unto them, they would
have paved them onto their driveway of their palatial mansions, unable
to discern those pearls from pebbles.

Regardless of the ultimate consequence of his criticisms, Mahathir has
already made a seminal contribution. He effectively shattered the
Malaysian taboo of criticizing the leaders. That can only be good for
the nation. I am on record as being one of Mahathir’s severest critics
even at the height of his popularity, but I salute him for this
singular contribution. It is even more significant that he made it
after he retired. For many, retirement means no longer contributing.

Loyalty means loyalty to the rule of law and to our institutions, not
to individuals, no matter how high a position they occupy. Those ten
distinguished Americans of the Iraq Study Group epitomize this fine
tradition. Its Report is widely discussed and President Bush has
already taking steps to respond on those recommendations.

The chief architect of the flawed Iraq policy has already resigned. We
may disagree with Secretary Rumsfeld’s policies but there is no denying
his personal integrity in resigning and taking responsibility.

Contrast that to the behaviors of his Malaysian counterparts. Rafidah
Aziz is still holding tight despite the Approved Permits scandal; like
wise Sammy Vellu with the Highway Bypass collapse, and Syed Hamid over
the imbroglio of the crooked bridge.

I look forward to similar contributions from our own corp of
distinguished retired Malaysians along the lines of the Iraq Study
Group. I am of course counting on the few who are not consumed with
indulging their grandchildren, idling their time on the golf courses,
or regaling their fellow mosque attendees.

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