Monday, August 29, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
[Book] Tales of the Mahdi of Sudan
The Sword of the Prophet: The Mahdi of Sudan and the Death of General Gordon, Fergus Nicoll, London: Sutton Publishing, 2004. pp384
The Sudan, the "Land of the Blacks," became his playground, but, writes Nicoll, the Mahdi's aims were considerably wider than that: "His aspirations were extraordinary: nothing less than the overthrow of the Ottoman Empire and its replacement with a pure Islamic state along the lines of the Prophet Muhammad's first Muslim community in Arabia in the early seventh century. The seizure of Khartoum must be followed, as domino topples domino, by the fall of Cairo, Mecca, Jerusalem and Constantinople itself."
Livingstone to Sue British Government if Banning Qaradawi
Livingstone warned against banning Muslims who support the Palestinians' legitimate struggle.
LONDON, August 25, 2005 ( & News Agencies) – Mayor of London Ken Livingstone has threatened to take the British government to court if it banned moderate Muslim scholar Yusuf Al-Qaradawi from entering the country under the new controversial terror guidelines. "If nobody else takes the government to the courts if they banned Dr. Al-Qaradawi, I would," Livingstone told BBC radio on Wednesday, August 24, reported Agence France Presse (AFP).
"I don't think he should be banned. He has opposed all acts of terrorism by Al-Qaeda around the world. He urged Arabs to donate blood after September 11," added Livingstone, a member of Prime Minister Tony Blair's Labour Party. British Home Secretary Charles Clarke unveiled Wednesday the guidelines of "unacceptable behavior" under which the government can deport and ban Muslim scholars accused of fomenting, justifying and glorifying acts of terror and violence. The banned views include those conveyed through written or published material, including Web sites, as well as public speaking.
The new guidelines are part of the anti-terror measures taken in the wake of the July 7 London attacks, which were carried out by four bombers, including three British-born Muslims. Qaradawi, head of the Dublin-based International Association of Muslim Scholars (IAMS), swiftly condemn the grisly London attacks as running counter to the tents of Islam.
Palestinian Struggle
Livingstone warned the governments against exploiting the new guidelines against the likes of Qaradawi who support the Palestinians' legitimate resistance against the Israeli occupation of their land. "…there will be very few Muslim scholars or leaders that will ever be admitted to Britain because the vast majority of Muslims identify with the struggle of the Palestinian people". The mayor of London went on: "I see real parallels between what happens in Israel-Palestine today with the bombing campaign run by the ANC (African National Congress) against the white apartheid regime 20 years ago in South Africa."
He was referring to former South African president Nelson Mandela who was imprisoned for many years after leading an armed struggle against the apartheid racist regime in his country. "Would the supporters of Nelson Mandela have been thrown out of this country because they were supporting the bombing campaign against the apartheid racist regime in South Africa?" Livingstone asked. "If so, the list should not be approved," he said on BBC television. In March, Livingstone wrote a piece in The Guardian accusing Israeli Premier Ariel Sharon of being "a war criminal who should be in prison, not in office."
Qaradawi, also a trustee of the Oxford University Center for Islamic Studies, repeatedly drew the line between the Israeli occupation and Jews. "We do not fight Israelis because they are Jews, but because they took our land, killed our children and profaned our holy places," the venerable scholar had said. Livingstone apologized in July last year to Qaradawi "on behalf of the people of London" for the media fuss that overshadowed his last visit to Britain.
He had further called on British media to apologize to the leading scholar over their hostile campaign that sought to blemish his reputation. Livingstone had criticized the Washington-based Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI), which is led by a former Israeli intelligence officer, for fueling the hatred campaign.
Too Vague
Meanwhile, the government's new terror guidelines drew rebuke from leading British dailies. The Independent said the measures are "misguided" and will not help combat home-grown terrorism. "Yesterday's list was drawn up after two weeks of consultation. But the 'offences' presented are still dangerously vague. The concept of 'justifying' terrorism is too loose," said the daily. The Financial Times also dismissed some of the new measures as "vague and more alarming".
It stressed that Clarke's announcement that he is to consult on the creation of new powers to close places of worship used to foment extremism "should also be greeted with disquiet." "Closing down mosques is likely to alienate the very Muslim communities whose co-operation is desperately needed, while also impinging on religious freedom", said the paper.
[Malaysia] Gerakan Islam Diingatkan Tidak Perbesarkan Isu Remeh Temeh
Wednesday, August 24 2005, Harakahdaily
Pertemuan itu bertujuan mengeratkan hubungan antara kedua-dua belah pihak dan bertukar-tukar pandangan. Turut hadir ialah, Setiausaha Agung PAS, Dato'Kamaruddin Jaffar; Bendahari, Dr Mohd Hatta Ramli; Ketua Penerangan, Ustaz Ahmad Awang: Pengerusi Hal Ehwal Luar dan Antarabangsa, Dr Syed Azman Syed Ahmad Nawawi, mantan Naib Presiden PAS, Dato' Mustafa Ali, Ketua Pemuda PAS, Salahuddin Ayub dan Pengarah Pusat Penyelidikan, Dr Zulkifli Ahmad.
Menurut Ahmad, mutakhir ini gerakan Islam di seluruh dunia terutamanya yang bersabit dengan politik terlalu banyak memberi reaksi terhadap isu yang remeh-temeh. Keadaan itu mengakibatkan matlamat utama perjuangan tidak dapat difokuskan, katanya. "Kadang-kadang sesuatu isu yang remeh-temeh itu mungkin dihasilkan oleh kerja jahat Barat untuk memusnahkan gerakan Islam, kita perlu berhati-hati. Kalau boleh ketepikan (ignore) sahaja," katanya.
Selain itu beliau juga menyeru supaya gerakan Islam tidak berkonfrontasi sesama sendiri dalam menghadapi cabaran dari Barat. Ini adalah kerana sikap berkonfrontasi akan hanya merugikan perjuangan dan menguntungkan pihak lawan, katanya. "Negara Barat seperti Amerika Syarikat sememangnya menanti akan gerakan Islam berkonfrontasi sesama sendiri.Ini akan menguntungkan mereka," katanya. Pada majlis yang sama Ahmad turut memuji sikap PAS yang dilihat terbuka untuk berdialog dengan golongan bukan Islam mengenai pelbagai perkara. – lanh
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
[Malaysia] Ruling on "50 Dalil"
So finally Khalid Jefri is nailed to the coffin of criminality by his conviction. The infamous author of the venomous book edition of the ubiquitous poison pen letters, the legendary “50 dalil” faces possible jail time. He is now left in a lurch. He reportedly is in suffering. It is the book purported to have brought down Anwar Ibrahim. A flip through “50 dalil” reveals it as simply a collection of incredible and absurd accusations just to assassinate and destroy Anwar Ibrahim. On its own, the book just does not stand up to scrutiny for it was purely baseless and full of lies. There was even a legal injunction to stop its distribution. But other dark forces were at work and one after another events were orchestrated although haphazardly sometimes comical but firmly and objectively to accomplish its goal of taking Anwar down.
This is what the civil suit judge said:
"The defendants' main purpose in publishing the book was to destroy the plaintiff's reputation and political career," said High Court judge Mohamad Hishamudin Mohamad Yunus in a strongly-worded decision.
The judge noted the book was distributed to delegates at the general assembly of the ruling United Malays National Organisation (UMNO) in May 1998.
"The defendants and others who conspired with the defendants achieve their purpose," he said. "The plaintiff's political career was ruined as a result of the publication of the book."
"Faced with such a vicious and venomous public attack on his integrity, launched by the defendants in cahoots with others, the public humiliation and ridicule and the pain and mental distress suffered by the plaintiff and his family must be beyond description."
Hishamudin said awards of this size were unusual in Malaysia, but that it reflected the gravity of the charges against Anwar, his high position at the time, and the lack of apology from the defendants "who until today remain defiant".
In early August Anwar Ibrahim successfully won an apology from the former police chief, Rahim Noor who beat him after his arrest, as well as undisclosed damages, in which Anwar hailed it as a civil rights victory.
Throughout the whole drama there was a mysterious and discreet power behind it, pushing in a haste, a gush of political momentum to force Anwar out of politics for good. We now know that every twist and turn that played out during those years of Malaysia’s maelstrom was a product of a lost of political nerves combined with delusions of paranoia as well as deep seated political vendettas and moral corruption. You can express shock, surprise, dismay, you may even be sick of the charade which reached the highest of proportions. But in the end the book became a live script to be played out lock, stock and barrel. The book’s villain, Anwar became the victim but the perpetrator of the whole tragedy will never be known. We can only guess!
17th August 2005
[Kedah] Krisis Air di Kedah
Harakahdaily sempat merakamkan gambar keadaan terkini Tasik Pedu yang dilinkungi banjaran Bukit Kerengga dan Bukit Sempadan. Turut membimbangkan adalah tahap kandungan Empangan Ulu Muda turut rendah dan gagal kembali ke paras sedia ada sejak tiga tahun lalu.
Empangan Ulu Muda membekalkan air ke kawasan tadahan air Empangan Pedu dan juga menyalurkan air kepada negeri Pulau Pinang. Ketika mulai masuk ke kawasan Tasik Pedu melalui Kampung Pinang, kira-kira 35 Kilometer dari pekan Kuala Nerang, di kiri kanan jalan masih dapat dilihat berkegelimpangan batang-batang balak, ada yang terbakar, ada yang telah dipotong-potong, dan didapati, ia telah lama ditebang.
Kampung Pinang terletak bertentangan dengan Pedu Lake Resort, sebuah pusat percutian yang lebih dikenali menyediakan 'chalet-chalet terapung' kerana jika berada di dalam chalet berkenaan, lantainya seakan mencecah air tasik.
Hati cukup berdebar kerana rombongan yang turut disertai Haji Mahfuz, Setiausaha Sahabat Alam Sekitar (Asas) Merbok, Aziz Man dan Setiausaha Teras Penyupayaan Melayu (Teras), Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman telah mula menuruni kenderaan pacuan empat roda ke kawasan Tasik Pedu.
Dari gigi tasik, sehingga ke jarak sekitar 1000 meter, kami dapat melaluinya dengan kenderaan. Rekahan tanah dengan jelas dapat dilihat, pokok-pokok liar setinggi 30 ke 40 kaki yang semakin reput berada di kiri kanan laluan kami. Ketika turun dari kenderaan, hati masih berdebar dan seolah tidak percaya kerana lebih kurang empat tahun lalu, pernah ke situ dengan menaiki bot untuk memancing.
Untuk memulakan langkahan amat berdebar, sekalipun pacuan empat roda tadi lebih berat dari badan manusia, tetapi bila memikirkan dahulunya tanah yang dipijak itu adalah dasar sebuah tasik yang dalamnya sukar diduga kami memandang sesama sendiri.
"Ini Tasik Pedu, empangan paling besar di Kedah tau, kenapa boleh jadi kering sampai macam ni," kata Haji Mahfuz. Dari situ juga jelas dapat dilihat 'chalet terapung' yang digambarkan tadi, kini seolah berada di atas sebuah bukit. Nampak ia terletak di atas tanah tinggi, bukan lagi seperti yang pernah dikunjungi dulu, ia nampak terapung di permukaan air.
Dari seorang nelayan tempatan yang ditemui katanya, keadaan kontang itu sudah berlarutan sejak enam bulan lalu. Sebulan sebelum ini tanah mulai merekah dan rumput halus hijau mulai tumbuh. Katanya lagi, pokok-pokok kering yang ada di sekitar itu mencecah ketinggian sekitar 30 hingga 40 kaki. Sejak sekian lama, air tasik ada kalanya sama tinggi atau hanya kurang lima kaki dari pucuk pokok tersebut.
Mereka yang mengusahakan kolam ternakan ikan turut memberitahu, sebelum ini (sekitar setahun) jarak kolam ikan terapung dengan dasar tasik adalah sekitar 15 kaki, tetapi sekarang turun sehingga lima atau enam kaki sahaja.
Kata Mahfuz lagi, ini adalah satu keadaan yang cukup membimbangkan, walaupun tahap takungan air di Empangan Pedu masih tinggi, tetapi tahap takungan air yang bakal disalurkan ke empangan terlalu rendah,sehubungan itu beliau mengutarakan beberapa persoalan.
Dalam perkembangan lain, Ketua Dewan Ulama' PAS Kedah, Ustaz Haji Zawawi Ahmad meminta kerjasama semua masjid, surau dan rakyat agar sama-sama menunaikan solat hajat memohon agar Allah menurunkan hujan bagi mengatasi kemelut yang semakin meruncing ini. - mks.
China Tahan Pelajar Baca al-Qur'an
Negara China Tahan Guru dan Murid-Murid kerana membaca al Qur’an
BEIJING, August 15, 2005 ( & Agensi Berita) – Pihak berkuasa di wilayah Xinjiang, yang mempunyai majoriti penduduk Cina Muslim telah menahan seorang wanita Uighur dan 37 orang murid, ada di antaranya yang hanya berumur 7 tahun, kerana mengaji Qur’an, sebuah pertubuhan hak asasi melaporkan.
Aminan Momixi, 56, sedang mengajar Qur’an kepada murid-muridnya, yang berusia di antara 7 hingga 20 tahun, di rumahnya pada 1 Ogos apabila polis menyerbu masuk dan menangkapnya. Agence France-Presse (AFP) melaporkannya, memetik sumber daripada Kongres Uighur Sedunia yang berpusat di Germany.
Murid-muridnya, yang kebanyakan terdiri daripada pelajar sekolah rendah dan menengah, juga ditangkap dan ada yang masih dalam tahanan.
Polis merampas 23 naskhah al Qur’an, 56 buah kitab, manuskrip tulisan tangan dan lain-lain bahan agama.
Kaum Uighur adalah kaum minoriti berbahasa Turki dengan jumlah penduduk 8 juta orang, tinggal di tanah pertiwi mereka di Wilayah Autonomi Uighur Xinjiang yang kaya dengan hasil minyak di Barat Laut Cina.
Xinjiang telah mendapat autonmi sejak 1955 tetapi terus menerus di tindas dan diperlakukan oleh pihak berkuasa negara Cina, yang didakwa menggunakan tekanan ke atas agama atas alasan memerangi keganasan.
Momixi dituduh memiliki “secara haram bahan keagamaan dan maklumat sejarah yang subversif”. Dia juga telah dinafikan hak untuk berjumpa dengan peguam
Seorang pegawi polis mengesahkan penahanan-penahanan berkenaan.
"Ini urusan dalaman kami, kami tidak boleh mendedahkan sebab-sebab kenapa," katanya.
Negara Cina mengharamkan sebarang aktiviti keagamaan yang di luar daripada kawalan pihak berkuasa negara.
Jurucakap Kongres berkata bahawa ibu-bapa hanya mahukan anak-anak mereka belajar nilai-nilai akhlak yang diajar oleh al Qur’an.
"Mereka hanya inginkan anak-anak mereka mengaji al Qur’an, pengetahuan agama paling asas, semasa musim cuti," dia memberitahu AFP.
Dia menambah lagi bahawa beberapa orang kanak-kanak telah dibebaskan setelah ibu bapa mereka membayar denda di antara 7,000 dan10,000 yuan (863 dan 1,233 dollar).
"Ada ibu bapa yang tidak mampu. Mereka tinggal di desa dan terpaksa menjual lembu dan ternakan yak (sejenis kerbau) untuk mengeluarkan anak-anak mereka," dia tegaskan.
Jurucakap itu tidak tahu berapa orang kanak-kanak yang masih lagi ditahan.
Dalam laporan setebal 114 halaman yang disiarkan pada bulan April, Human Rights Watch berkata bahawa dasar Negara Chinese policy di Xinjiang "menafikan kebebasan beragama kaum Uighur, dan selanjutnya mengekang kebebasan berpersatuan, berkumpul dan bersuara ".
Into The Oil Trap
My Advice - Ahmad Totonji
From the situational reports it seems that enemies are determined to uproot anything Islamic anywhere. Some of them say that the only good Muslims are dead Muslims. After 911, they can annihilate anyone.
Knowing that the circumstances are like these, this is not the time for confrontation. Our options and the results are limited. If we can save the lives of Muslims, it is an asset to the ummah. We cannot afford to have our best people to be sacrificed like this. If a strong wave passes round, we have to bend to let it pass. Do not face it directly. We need some time to think, to reorganize and recover. Some are dangerous, serious situations. Find other alternatives for it; if not we are annihilated.
We are guilty until proven guilty. This happens even in America. Dedicated young people are imprisoned. Al-Amoudi was given a 23 year prison sentence - just for visiting Libya without a permit and not declaring some income he had. These people are going for the kill. They have the means to do it. Therefore, please cool it down as much as humanly possible. It is as if you are in a jail and not being allowed to move. Any Muslim coming to the US expects to be and is harassed.
Many times we are acting without information. We need information to act in a wise manner. Our adversaries are willing to send lots of disinformation to destroy us. There are lots of peaceful ways if we can organize better. Find the ways and means. There are still a lot of people with good conscience: governments, officials, institutions, NGOs. Facilitate solutions.
We have to play low with the confrontations. If we look at Bangladesh a few years ago. They had no choice but to fight in the streets because they had to defend themselves. Now they choose more civil means, they won elections, negotiated with the political parties and formed a coalition. Now they are talking of nation building and no more confrontations. The recent events need to be handled with care and wisdom. They have seen the fruits of their work. We have to have examples of alternative ways and by doing so we are opening the avenues of da’wah.
When we come to a wall, don’t hit it. Try to go around it. No direct hits. Stay low. Be careful with the lives of Muslims.
We have to organize to get the best education. Educated people shall surely come to be decision makers of the future. Find ways and means to provide good education for them. Illiteracy among Muslims is enormous, it is much worst in ICT. Nowadays if we don’t work with computers, we are illiterate. We need modern gadgets, we need to surpass them. Consider Mindanao, generations have passed without schools, roads and basic amenities. The situation is not good.
We have to have people in the political aspects. We need political skills, training and information. Make surveys. Be vocal in helping our people. We need to develop negotiating skills. Only the best can negotiate, if we look at in the past, people like Amr al-‘As are amongst the best negotiators. Usrahs should introduce such literature on human skills. At least we have the basis for maneuverability. We have to upgrade and change the system of tarbiyyah of our halaqahs, to introduce new things.
Divorce in Saudi Arabia is more than 40%. This rate is just like any of our countries. This causes much destruction. People do not know what they are entering into. These are areas where we are weak. Put it in our halaqah studies. If someone is not happy in their families, the person will not be able to perform da’wah. Spouses must support each other in the cause of da’wah. Parenting ought to be made compulsory just like what they do in IIU.
We have to go out of our box, out of our bounds. 9/11 has changed a lot.
We are backward in our dealing on women in Islam. Local taboos influence our culture. Remember, women can go to the masjid and ask directly the Prophet s.a.w. Women can speak to and disagree openly with Omar r.a. We have seen that the IIU produces the best women graduates anywhere.
In the '40s, Hasan al Banna commissioned three eminent persons to study and work on three important issues respectively: First, Mahmud Abu Saud to work on Islamic Economics. His fine work enabled us to delve into this challenging field later on. Second, Sayyid Sabiq to work on Fiqh. He produced a magnificent compendium of fiqh entitled Fiqh Sunnah. Third, Abd Halim Abu Shu’qah to work on women issues. He took 20 years to produce the book. He was very careful and meticulous in his study on how Islam shows the way women are treated. We have to study this. There will be opposition from good and bad people in this issue. The Muslim Student Association MSA in Canada at one time had a lady president.
Do not remain isolated from our brothers and sisters. Use the available means of communication, the internet, have mailing lists. Alone we are weak and can be beaten. Our hearts must be together. Two Muslims who work together with full understanding will have a strong resultant force. If there are many then there will be a greater force. Rasulullah s.a.w. converted opposing forces and brought them together that even the super powers of that time could not stop.
Rasulullah taxied, had a low profile for up to 13 years of the Makkah period until that critical point. Concerning the sulh Hudaibiyah, the treaty, even the best sahabah were unhappy with the terms. But it was proven that under peaceful conditions, we work best for da’wah. It is not the matter of the essence of the Qur’an and the Sunnah but our understanding of it is inadequate and limited. So, if we say that the solution is the Qur’an and the Sunnah, we have to look at it wholly. Someone has to be articulate in order to save the ummah, to articulate in all the Islamic aspects and fields.
In the case of Rohingya which is without resolution since 1962 (as in other situations of oppressed minorities), we need to articulate the problems. Bring another dimension to it. Aung Sung Su Kyi articulated effectively her plight. Find some other method or find people in the West. There are good people in the West who want to help, to liberate and to alleviate the problem. These people in the West want justice. We can join up with the others in opposition to the regime. We enter into a dialogue to help the cause. If we can articulate our case, if it is for human rights, for values and humane interests, we can convince them, even the non-Muslims. This is human nature. Build bridges. Don’t conclude that there are no bridges with other people. Tap the resources. The American Civil Liberties Union ACLU is doing a wonderful job in defending Muslims in the US.
Find a way of dialogue with the extremists. We need some kind of understanding. Don’t cut off but find the bridges. Not all of us should go crazy.
As a final word: In the Qur’an it says that those who believe and do not cloak their iman with injustice, they are entitled to security; they are the ones with guidance. If people continue with the injustice, they cannot achieve security and they have to deal with it themselves and not make us as scapegoats.
Notes of the roundtable discussion by Dr Ahmad Totonji at ABIM’s 34th Muktamar Sanawi 20/8/2005. Dr Ahmad Totonji is the Vice President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). He was the first Secretary General of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organization (IIFSO). He is also a founding member of WAMY, MSA and Islam Online.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
[Book] Islamic Thought in the 20th Century
[Malaysia] IKD To Sue UM
Fauwaz Abdul Aziz, Malaysiakini, Aug 18, 2005
The Institute of Policy Studies (IKD) will take legal action against Universiti Malaya (UM) over an allegedly libelous circular proscribing its students from attending the think tank’s annual seminar.
[Malaysia] Dr M Not Ready to Make Peace
Former premier Dr Mahathir Mohamad is not yet prepared to smoke the peace pipe with his ex deputy-turned-nemesis Anwar Ibrahim.
[Malaysia] Urban woes due to profit emphasis
Kuala Lumpur is ‘a city in crisis from pollution to poverty’ as a result of many public amenities no longer being seen as social services to be provided by the government but as purely economic commodities to garner profit, an anthropology professor observed today.
[Malaysia] The Ling-ering dynasty in MCA
Meanwhile, Prime Minister Abdullah Ahmad Badawi's son-in-law Khairy Jamaluddin is Umno Youth deputy chief. On the opposition front, DAP supremo Lim Kit Siang’s son Guan Eng is now the party’s secretary-general.
[Malaysia] New watchdog?
Concerned that the government tightening control over the private aspects of citizens' lives, a group of lawyers and social activists are seeking to set up a watchdog body to spread awareness on civil liberties as enshrined in the federal constitution. From laws passed by Parliament to local directives issued by municipal authorities, the group, tentatively called the Malaysian Civil Liberties Society, will attempt to protect the basic rights of individuals by allowing the judiciary to have a final say in such disputes.
[ABIM] Let us do it, it can be done – Dr Ahmad Totonji
It is a great pleasure and a privilege to be here with many brothers and sisters in Islam. The people that we work with. In those days, there were difficult days, but we knew that we could change the world.
Malaysia today is not the same as in 1970. When I arrived at the airport then, Anwar Ibrahim and the brothers came on scooters. Then we had a simple room in one of the professor’s house. In one of the lectures organized by Anwar at University Malaya, there were around a thousand students, half male and half female. There were only about 50 women who were wearing some sort of hijab. But now masyallah!
In 1977, when Anwar was released from prison for the first time, at the South East Asian Da’wah conference, he used the term “the rising tide of Islam”, “the blessings of the water had come”. And they did.
I like to congratulate ABIM for enduring the past difficult years. The past, once you put your commitment to Allah s.w.t. and make the best ijtihad, it will indeed show your work. In the work of da’wah and the political world, it was wise not to involve ABIM in the political turmoil. Please pass down this wisdom to the generation to come. Da’wah has its own principles. The guiding spirit is Islam. Politics is the art of the possible. That is why we find some brothers being in opposing parties using the best ijtihad. May Allah bless them all.
Today the challenge is more difficult then before. After September 11, every Muslim is guilty before he is proven innocent. This is in the US and elsewhere. Before, Islam was never attacked directly as a religion, nor Muhammad s.a.w., nor the Qur’an. Now they attack everything that belongs to Islam.
Don’t look behind unless to learn lessons for the future, always look forth. Make a better world for Muslims and humanity.
The Qur’an says that non believers are supportive of one another, that unless Muslims support one another and work collectively, there will be chaos, mischief and corruption on earth. The entire wellbeing of the world entirely depends on the cooperation of Muslims with one another. This is a statement from Allah s.w.t. and not from us.
One of my criticisms was that this was an organization for the youth. The leaders should be around 30 years old maximum. I am delighted to see ABM now going back to the youth again. But when someone leaves the leadership, we should not forget him, we should not ignore him, we cannot afford to lose his experience. Past leadership is more important then before.
I suggest the graduates of ABIM to take the lead and initiate, we need an organization to lead the unity of the ummah. Form the basis and the working committees. The time of false accusations –fitnah- is over, the leaders of ABIM have been exonerated. We have seen slander even directed at the Prophet’s noble household in the past. The survival of the ummah depends on our effort to bring unity and to eradicate fitnah.
The entire message is our responsibility now. Even the Prophet Muhammad s.a.w. had to flee Makkah, only to return victoriously ten years later. We have to have patience. We go for this uswah – this model and not take short cuts. Some of the sahabah were in a hurry and hasty, only to be reminded by the Prophet s.a.w. Let us read the seerah in this manner. Please distinguish between the concepts of war, battles, da’wah, and other affairs in the seerah.
Unity of the ummah is a cause, it needs a vision, a mission, methodologies, strategies and it needs a lot of work. Insyallah, we can do it and we will do it.
The challenges of today are different in nature. The internet, books, media, the pictures coming out of the West can be categorised into three:
Islam is no good. The Qur’an is no good. Muhammad and Muslims are no good. These come from so called self appointed experts, scholars etc. They throw filth at Islam. The type of literature coming from America, millions of them attacking Islam. And unfortunately, at all times, the munafiqin – the hypocrites, ride the wave and join them.
The work of Zionists. They are organized, have full time staff, systems. Such people as Daniel Pipes, parasites to human resources. They say ‘Islam as it is is not acceptable to us’ – ‘therefore you must make the changes to make Islam accepted by us’.
If we refer to the Qur’an, this has already been attempted and refuted. These things that they raise are nothing new. They are not intelligent enough to attack us. We can refer to al Isra’ 73-75, al Ma’idah 49.
If we were to do some compromise, nothing can help us to face the wrath of Allah s.w.t.
Good and progressive literature about Islam.
ABIM has to face the challenge; it has to do this, to be the prototype for the ummah. In the 70’s we brought the rising tide, the whole sahwah –the renaissance- has come to the whole world. The awareness is there but it needs a collective cooperation in the form of a great force to save humanity. Participation in the renaissance should be for everyone not any particular leadership or group. Rasulullah s.a.w. emancipated every sector of society: slaves, women, children, rich, poor, orphans, the elderly, tribes and races, all of society. Everybody participated.
Can we do it, can we repeat it? Remember the hadith concerning the ‘ikhwani’, the ones who were not sahabi, the ones who never met the Prophet s.a.w. but worked for his Sunnah and the religion, theirs is fifty times the rewards. Don’t underestimate your worth, your effort. We can do it, insyallah, let’s do it.
The sahwah, the renaissance gave us a real awakening and we see it all around. We feel, we realise the possibilities. These are reminders for this generation. Let it be in our hands, done with hikmah, with wisdom: with plans, strategies which are sciences by itself. For instance in the year 2020, how do we want to see it. We have to sit down with our minds.
There are certain prerequisites for people to understand each other. We first discuss on better cooperation (not unity), we start of with a pack of honour – mithaq al sharfs. A draft of cooperation, although simple, we can start somewhere. Maybe the usrahs, the study circles can study this.
We also forget that we accepted the dictators that are unjust and mistreat us, the despots. We ought to learn from the history of the Pharaoh and the enslavement of his people through their own failings.
The problem of ‘love of this world and the fear of death’. Let us examine this thing that dominates our lives that we cannot take off with our mission.
We have to tolerate each other. We have to learn how to tolerate. We go out of our ways to tolerate non-Muslims but we forget ourselves. Let us not be unjust to ourselves. Let us at least forget for a few years our differences. Revive the ‘ruhama u baynahum’ – mercy and kindness among Muslims, among ourselves.
We have to bear in mind that it is the youth who takes the bigger challenges. A very young Zaid was once leading the army where the senior sahabi were just foot soldiers.
We have to live up to the Qur’an – akhlaq, ihsan. We have to modify our character to live up to the Qur’an. The success of all of the followers of the Prophets a.s. was ‘we listen and we obey.’ We have not even been tested like that of Ismail a.s.
Remember ‘al quwwah minal haq’. Strength comes from the truth; strength comes when we have justice. But some people feel that when they are strong, they have the right. The Qur’an says be just and do not waiver for that is closer to taqwa.
Do not complain especially about others. Can you make plans and do something yourselves? Form informal think tanks and act instead of complaining and not doing much work. Think of others such the Muslim Students Associations in the US campuses who are under much pressure.
There have been hundreds of conferences held on the unity of the ummah. Resolutions are filed but are never implemented. We must go beyond this stage. Let us form groups around the resolutions and take actions.
We are behind many of the other nations whether we like it or not. For us to be able to reach, catch up and overtake them, we have to work harder. Let us work longer hours 8½ to 9 hours at least. Nobody’s life will be shortened by working harder then before.
Whatever we do, no matter what position we are in, we aim for excellence, perfection in our work. ‘Itqan’ as the hadith calls it. No more ‘sorry its 5 minutes to lunch’ and so we stop what we are doing before finishing it. Can we do it better for our families, habits, da’wah or our organizations?
There has to be creativity and innovativeness. ‘al ibda’ - Think to do it better, faster, cheaper and more efficient. There has to be research and development work.
We should not be obsessed by despising each other. Remember the hadith when Rasulullah s.a.w. mentioned to the sahabi when one of them was leaving a gathering, he pointed to that person who was one of jannah –paradise. Ali r.a. followed him for three days to find out his qualities. He did not find anything different so he asked him. The person answered that when he got to bed, he slept without any little bit of ill-feeling towards any other Muslim.
We have to train ourselves to tell what Islam is and not what Islam is not. Our enemies wish to detract us with trivialities. It is not worth going for these trivialities. The pandemonium over Salman Rushdie and Amina Wadud’s women leading prayer are such trivialities. We have to put on the positive side. After we held dialogues on the positive aspects of Islam with the Elijah Muhammad’s son, he and 90% of his followers (Nation of Islam’s Black Muslims) embraced the true Islam.
911 caused many thousands to embrace Islam but it also led to millions more hating Islam. We need to have an ummatic way of looking at things and not turmoil.
Institutionalise our work and not be individual. Respond to the challenges. Be organized. There has to be more think tanks, institutions which study things in depth and not to give out quick fatwas.
Let’s do it and it can be done!
Dr Ahmad Totonji is the Vice President of the International Institute of Islamic Thought (IIIT). He was the first Secretary General of the International Islamic Federation of Student Organization (IIFSO). He is also a founding member of WAMY, MSA and Islam Online